Sama-sama lah kita membantu PDRM dan Kerajaan untuk menangkap pengkhianat-pengkhianat ini, dengan menyampaikan maklumat kepada polis.
Sampaikan sebarang maklumat mengenai pengkhianat-pengkhianat yang dipaparkan itu kepada mana-mana balai polis yang berhampiran dengan segera.
Hi there,
BalasPadamMy name is Lizzy; I work for the PR agency that is handling the Warrior Sports (new apparel sponsor of Liverpool FC) account here in Asia.
I thought I’d get in touch as I’m currently compiling a media database for bloggers. Being a football lover yourself, I thought you would be interested in getting a copy of the press release for the launch of the new kit - would you be interested? If so, please share your email and I will gladly add you to the database.
I can be reached at Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thanks and have a great day!